Jeneberang Sediment Economic Valuation, Gowa District (SDGS Persfective)

Syamsu Alam(1*), Andi Samsir(2),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


Abstract. The purpose of this study consists of two main things. Namely calculating the economic valuation of the Jeneberang watershed sediment that is accommodated in the Bili-bili Reservoir, Kab. Gowa, and made a sediment industrial tree. Economic valuation prediction is carried out in two stages, namely creating an equation for the sediment volume trend using the BBWS Jeneberang echosounding calculation data. Based on the trend equation, a sediment volume projection is carried out. The manufacture of industrial sediment trees uses sediment samples to determine the type of sediment material. Sediment material price information was obtained through interviews and benchmarking of building material entrepreneurs. The results showed that the volume of sediment until 2020 was 199.2 million m3. The volume was obtained by utilizing measurement data using the echosounding technique by BBWS Jeneberang. Based on the sediment material market price data, the economic valuation value of sediment can be estimated with three assumptions. The pessimistic assumption is Rp. 39.8 Trillion, Assumption 2 is moderate in the amount of Rp. 43.5 trillion, and the optimistic 3rd assumption of Rp. 47.2 trillion. The industrial tree made of sediment contains derivative materials such as: landfill for embankment, various types of sand and rocks. All of these materials have high economic value and the prospect of being developed into strategic industries. However, the management of Natural Resources (SDA) should pay attention to the principles of SDGs + S, namely sustainability and suitability between economic, social, economic and cultural aspects.




Keywords: Sediment, Industrial Trees, SDGs

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