Implementation of KKNI on Learning Achievements at The Faculty of Arts and Design of Makassar State University

Sukarman B.(1*), Muh. Kurniawan Adi Kusuma Wiharja(2),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


Abstract. This study aims to reveal the implementation of the Indonesian National Qualification Framework (KKNI) on Learning Achievements at the Faculty of Arts and Design of Makassar State University which focuses on two study programs, namely Fine Arts Education and Sendratasik Education. The method used to achieve this goal is to collect and observe the curriculum documents of both courses that are considered appropriate to contain the formulation of learning achievements. The data of the research results are processed and analyzed descriptively qualitatively using content analysis and evaluative approach. The results of the study concluded that the two study programs focused on learning achievements, both Graduate Learning Achievement (CPL) study programs and Course Learning Achievement (CPMK) using different terms. CPL Fine Arts Education Study Program implements KKNI, both on the structure and the ability drawn on the formulation of every aspect of competency, but the CPMK has not fully implemented KNNI. Meanwhile, CPL Sendratasik Education Study Program and CPMK do not appear to have implemented KKNI. The suitability of Learning Achievements of Fine Arts Education Study Program with KKNI level 6 description is quite good, while the conformity of Learning Achievement Sendratasik Education Study Program with KKNI level 6 description is classified as not good. The fact of the situation in both courses means that the statement of ability in the formulation of Learning Achievement of Study Graduates in the Faculty of Arts and Design is not all following the substance of KKNI level 6 description, so it can also be said that it is not following the National Standards of Higher Education.



Keywords: Implementation, KKNI, learning achievements

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