The Influence Of Speaking Skills Teaching Material Toward Students' Language Politeness Based On Social Media Perspective

Muhammad Saleh(1*), Andi Sahtiani Jahrir(2), Sakinah Fitri(3),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(3) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


Abstract. Social media is thought to influence someone in using polite language in communication. Speaking skills and social media in this study are intended to determine the effect of teaching materials in increasing the language politeness of UNM students in conducting class discussions. This study used a pre-experimental method. The sample of this study, namely Indonesian language students, was obtained by simple random sampling involving a sample of 90 (53 male and 37 female) representing UNM students as a whole. This research instrument was a test, namely pretest and posttest. The results showed that the language skills teaching materials had a significant effect on the improvement of the language politeness of UNM students, it is proved that the t-test value was greater than the t-table value (the t-test was 5.40 while the t-table value was 1.67 (t-test > t- Table). While gender also improves language politeness skills. The average value of language politeness acquisition for female students is 165.78 an increase 21% after given posttest while male students are 159.19. an increase 17,85% after posttest and gender has an influence and can improve the language politeness of UNM students in communicating. Thus, it can be concluded that teaching materials from language skills and gender have an influence and can increase the language politeness of UNM students in communication activity. The results of this study indicate that speaking skills teaching materials have a significant effect on the improvement of language politeness of UNM students, the t-test value is greater than the t-table value, namely the t-test 5.40 while the t-table value is 1.67 with a significant level of (0.000) > 0.05. So, H-0 is rejected and H-a is accepted, it means that social media has a significant influence on the language politeness of UNM students. However, if it is seen from the results of the correlation coefficient value of 0.311, which means that it has a moderate effect, meaning that social media is in the middle position (sometimes polite, sometimes impolite) on language politeness in speaking skills of UNM students. This reveals that the use of social media affects a person's motives for communicating.

Keywords: speaking skills, teaching material, language politeness, social media

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