Development Evaluation Of Various Products From Purple Sweet Potatoes (Ipomoea Batatas L. Poir)

Jokebet Saludung(1*), Sundari Hamid(2), Amelda Pramezwary(3),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Universitas Bosowa Makassar
(3) Universitas Perita Harapan
(*) Corresponding Author


Abstract.  This research is in the form of field experiments aimed to  development evaluating  of various products from purple sweet potato. Sweet potato  is everywhere and very much in Makassar. It is often abundant and easily damaged so it is wasted because people do not yet understand the best processing methods to be durable and the selling price increases. The price is very cheap and the processing is still traditional, namely boiled and fried. Almost all rural communities have sweet potato gardens. Various types of sweet potato, some of them purple. Why was the purple one chosen? Besides the attractive color, high nutritional content and benefits are very good for health because they contain antioxidants. Therefore it is necessary to innovate the development of its products with a touch of technology so that the results are better, preferred by the community and the selling price increases. After evaluating the product development in the field it turns out that various products can be made, namely pizza, panada, sweet bread, poding, and selai. From the results of the development of various purple sweetpotato products were evaluated and tested organoleptically for hedonic tests and hedonic quality with indicators of color, taste, texture, aroma, and quality of product yields, it turned out that panelists were very well-liked and the quality was worthy of being produced for home industry business development. Therefore it needs to be socialized so that the benefits are better and known by the community as raw materials for productive businesses that are cheap and easy to obtain. Using experimental research methods in the field, organoleptic was tested by 20 panelists trained and not trained with the instrument checklist. Data were analyzed with descriptive and mean test of SPSS program assistance. The results of the product are pizza, panada, sweet bread, poding, selei of purple sweet potato that people like and the quality is very good to be marketed.


Keywords: Evaluation, Various Product Development, Purple Sweet Potato.

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