The Influence Of Multiball And Robot Training Methods On Drive Counters In Field Tennis Games Are Reviewed From Speed Of Hand Reaction At Student Of FIK UNM Makassar

Hikmad Hakim(1*), Anto Sukamto(2), Addien Addien(3),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(3) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


Abstract. This experimental study aims to compare the two training methods to drive hits skills in playing tennis. The training method consists of the multiball and the robot training method. This study also aims to determine the interaction between the training method and the speed of hand reaction to drive hits in playing tennis. Hand reaction speed consists of high hand reaction speed and low hand reaction speed. This research was conducted in the tennis court of the FIK UNM Makassar, Faculty of Sport Science, Makassar State University, academic year 2020/2021. The experimental method uses a 2x2 factorial design. The sample consisted of 40 students divided into four groups, each consisting of 10 students. The data analysis technique is a two-way analysis of variance (ANAVA) and then followed by the Tukey test at the significance level α = 0.05. The results of this study indicate that (1) Overall, the results of the drive hits skill in playing tennis using the robot training method are better than the multiball training method (FA = 4,180> Ftable = 4,113). (2) There is an interaction between the training method and the speed of hand reaction to the drive hits skill in playing tennis (FAB = 46,148> F_table = 4,113) to the drive hits skill in playing tennis. (3) For the high hand reaction speed group, students who were trained using the multiball training method (an average of 57,0000) were higher than the robot training method (an average of 243.4639) on the drive hits skills in playing tennis. (4) For the low hand reaction speed group, students who were trained using the robot training method (an average of 265.8223) were higher than the multiball training method (an average of 53.4000) on the drive hits skills in playing tennis.


Keywords: Training Method, Hand Reaction Speed, Tennis Drive Punch

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