The Influence of Teaching Style and Learning Motivation on Learning Outcomes in Dribbling Football Games

Adam Mappaompo(1*), Juhanis Juhanis(2),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


Abstract. This study aims to determine (1) Are there differences in the results of learning to dribble in soccer games between reciprocal teaching styles and inclusive teaching styles? (2) Is there an interaction between the results of learning to dribble in soccer games between teaching style and learning motivation? (3). Are there differences in the results of learning to dribble in the game of football between reciprocal teaching styles and inclusive teaching styles that have high learning motivation? (4) Are there differences in the results of learning to dribble in soccer games between reciprocal teaching styles and inclusive teaching styles that have low learning motivation. This type of research is an experimental study with a 2 x 2 factorial design. The population of this study were all students of MAN 1 North Sinjai. The research sample consisted of 20 students of MAN 1 Sinjai Utara. Data collection techniques for dependent variable data obtained through the dribbling process and for moderator variable data obtained through learning motivation tests. (1) Overall, there are differences in the results of learning to dribble in soccer games between reciprocal teaching styles and inclusive teaching styles. (2) There is an interaction of learning outcomes in soccer dribbling between teaching styles and learning motivation (3) There are differences in learning outcomes to dribble football in the game of football between reciprocal teaching styles and inclusive teaching styles that have high learning motivation (4) There are differences in the results of learning to dribble in soccer games between reciprocal teaching styles and inclusive teaching styles that have low learning motivation.



Keywords: teaching style, learning motivation and dribbling

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