Design Of An Arduino-Based Infusion Monitoring System For Inpatients

Abdul Muis Mappalotteng(1*), Muh. Yahya(2), Andi Andini Wulandari(3),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(3) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


Abstract. Monitoring of intravenous fluids is currently done manually so that its use is still not efficient. The type of research used is design research which aims to obtain a patient infusion monitoring system design based on Arduino. In this study, the design procedure consists of two stages, namely hardware design (consisting of Arduino Uno, Infrared sensor and Buzzer) and software design using IDE (Integrated Development Environment) consisting of making the main program and making the controlling program. The data analysis technique in this research is descriptive analysis technique. This study aims to design a tool in the form of an Arduino-based patient infusion monitoring system. The system automatically activates an alarm if the volume of the infusion fluid is ≤ 50 ml or the infusion fluid does not drip for 20 seconds, an alarm will sound. This research was conducted using an Arduino ATMega328 microcontroller as a control center, an Infrared sensor as a liquid infusion detector and a Buzzer as a tool to provide an alarm in the form of a warning. The result of this research is a prototype of a patient infusion monitoring system that can control the patient's infusion fluid by giving a warning in the form of an alarm. Product testing is done by testing the hardware used, namely the Infrared sensor, Buzzer, and testing the whole system. The results of product trials that this prototype is functioning well, this is evident from the research conducted, in which the tool gives a warning in the form of an alarm to nurses with two conditions, the first when the volume of the infusion fluid is ≤ 50 ml and the second when the intravenous fluid does not drip for 20 seconds.


Keywords: Arduino, infrared, Buzzer, Infusion, Infusion Monitoring System

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