The Effect of Video Media Application on Students' Poetry Writing Learning Outcomes

Rukayah Rukayah(1*), Rosmalah Rosmalah(2), Abd. Kadir(3),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(3) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


Abstract: Research problems: (1) how did the students learning outcomes in writing poetry before implementing video as a media at SD Inpres 6/75 Manurunge? (2) How did the students learning outcomes in writing poetry after implementing video as a medium at SD Inpres 6/75 Manurunge? (3) Did the implementation of video affect the students’ learning outcomes in writing poetry at SD Inpres 6/75 Manurunge, TaneteRiattang district, Bone? Research objectives: (1) described the students learning outcomes in writing poetry before implementing video at SD Inpres 6/75 Manurunge (2) described the student learning outcomes in writing poetry after implementing video at SD Inpres 6/75 Manurunge (3) determined the effect of video through students learning outcomes in writing poetry at SD Inpres 6/75 Manurunge, TaneteRiattang district, Bone. This research used quasi-experimental research. Research variables were video (X) as an independent variable and students learning outcomes in writing poetry (Y) as the dependent variable. The research design was pre-experimental using theone group pretest-posttest design. The population in this research was V grade students of SD Inpres 6/75 Manurunge, TaneteRiattang district, Bone. Researchers used saturated census/sampling. The research setting was SD Inpres 6/75 Manurunge, TaneteRiattang district, Bone. Data collection is done by using tests, before and after treatment. Data obtained from the test were analyzed using descriptive statistical technique and inferential statistical technique using the SPSS 24.00 for windows. The result showed that there was a significant difference between the students’ learning outcomes in writing poetry before and after implementing video in writing poetry at SD Inpres 6/75 Manurunge, TaneteRiattang district, Bone. The difference could be seen from the quality of learning outcomes after implementing video better than before implementing video in their learning. The conclusion was video has a positive effect on students’ learning outcomes at SD Inpres 6/75 Manurunge, TaneteRiattang district, Bone. The amount of contribution of video through students learning outcomes in writing poetry was 27.8% in the fairly good category, 72.2% was influenced by other variables.


Keywords: video, students’learning outcomes, writing, and poetry.

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