The Effectiveness of Using the ZOOM Cloud Meetings Application in the Learning Process

Suardi M(1*),

(1) STMIK Handayani
(*) Corresponding Author


Abstract. The use of e-learning in the latest learning process is a must, in addition to following the progress of civilization, also because of the consideration of the effectiveness of learning. ZOOM Cloud Meetings, is the latest learning technology commonly known as application-based electronic learning and has been widely used by educators, especially lecturers. Therefore, this research aims to determine the effectiveness of the ZOOM Cloud Meetings application which is used in the learning process of learning and learning courses at the STAI Al-Gazali Bulukumba college for the 2019/2020 academic year so that in the future it can be evaluated on its use. The qualitative method was chosen as an approach to this research on the basis that e-learning is considered a new phenomenon in the world of education. From the research process carried out, it was found that in the cognitive aspect, the transfer of knowledge continued as usual, the same as the face-to-face learning process in class and even had advantages because the learning process was relaxed. In the affective aspect, students get good role models, especially in terms of the consistency of lecturers who continue to teach even though they are unable to attend the classroom face-to-face, and on the psychomotor aspect, the use of ZOOM Cloud Meetings is also effective because students who are actually prospective teachers can learn a new skill. in teaching as well as new knowledge in using each android productively. So it can be concluded that the use of the ZOOM Cloud Meetings application is very effective in the learning process.



Keywords: Zoom cloud, learning process

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