Designing Laban Dance Notation Textbook Based on Step By Step Learning for Dance Students in the Department of Performing Arts

Sumiani Sumiani(1*),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


Abstract. The research paper with the title Laban Dance Notation Textbook Design Based on Step By Step Learning for Dance Students was conducted in the Department of Performing Arts, Faculty of Art and Design, UNM. From preliminary observations, it was found that the phenomenon of the need for textbook-type learning tools in the implementation of the dance notation course in the Performing Arts Department. Therefore the research problem is focused on: (1) How to design textbooks needed by dance students in the Laban Dance Notation subject in the Department of Performing Arts, Faculty of Art and Design, UNM and (2) How to design textbooks in the Laban Dance Notation course valid for dance students in the Department of Performing Arts, Faculty of Art and Design UNM. The research method in accordance with the research problem is R&D, using the ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation), which in this study is only intended to be at the Design stage. The results of the study can be concluded: (1) The teaching materials on dance notation, especially Laban notation (Labanotation), have been collected relatively much, but the set of materials is still not systematically arranged according to the outline of learning designed in stages. Thus the Laban Notation textbook that students need is one that can be a guide or learning guide step by step. (2) The validity of the Laban Notation Textbook is carried out by the internal validation method, it is concluded that there is a match between the contents of the book and the learning objectives, the compatibility between the step by step method and the composition of the material presented, the compatibility between the composition of the contents and the syllabus of the Dance Notation course, reflected ease of description to the point explanation. In the aspect of dance, especially Laban Dance Notation, it is concluded that there is a match between the contents of the book and the concept of the Laban Notation system, there is a match between the contents of the book and the principles of recording motion with the Laban Notation system


Keywords: Design, textbooks, Laban notation

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