Factors Affecting Community Behavior Using Energy Efficient and Environmentally Friendly

Alimuddin Sa'ban Miru(1*), Aminuddin Bakry(2), Andi Imran(3), Hilda Ashari(4),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(3) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(4) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


Abstract. The objectives of this study are (1) to find knowledge about energy saving and environmentally friendly electrical energy, attitudes towards electric energy, and motivation to use energy efficient and environmentally sound for the people living in type 70 houses in Makassar City; (2) to find out the behavior of the community using electricity that is economical and environmentally friendly in the people living in type 70 houses in Makassar City; (3) to find the influence of knowledge about electrical energy that is environmentally friendly, attitudes towards electrical energy, and motivation to use energy that is economical and environmentally sound individually and collectively on people's behavior using economical and environmentally friendly electrical energy. inhabit the house type 70 in Makassar City. This research is classified as a correlational research located in a housing complex type 70 in Makassar City. The sample size was 50 heads of household selected by purposive random sampling method. The results of the study are (1) Knowledge, attitudes, and motivation of the people living in type 70 housing in Makassar City using efficient and environmentally friendly electrical energy are in the medium category, (2) The behavior of the people who inhabit type 70 housing in Makassar City uses Electric energy that is economical and environmentally sound is in the medium category, (3) Knowledge, attitudes, and motivation of the people living in type 70 housing in Makassar City using electricity that is economical and environmentally sound have a significant effect both individually and collectively -same on the behavior of using electric energy that is efficient and environmentally friendly.


Keywords: Knowledge, attitudes, motivation and behavior of energy saving and  environmentally friendly electrical energy

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