Analysis of Attitudes Toward Persons with Disabilities and the Need for Inclusive Education Services in Sopppeng District

Usman Usman(1*),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


Abstract. This study aims to get a picture of the attitude profiles of teachers, bureaucrats and regents towards children with disabilities (Children with Special Needs) and the need for inclusive education services in Soppeng Regency. This research uses a quantitative-descriptive approach by applying survey methods. The results found that the three components of attitude (Cognitive, Affective and Conative) are consistent and consistent, which is empirically proven based on respondents' answers to the three components of attitude showing an average percentage above 82% is a positive response (favoriable) to the attitude object that is answered by respondents. Conclusions from the results of this study: (1) on the Cognitive component; 83.54% of teachers responded positively, 83.2% of the Education Office bureaucrats responded positively, and 81.5% positive responses from the Regent, (2) on the Affective Component; 86.96% of teachers responded positively, 87.3% of the Education Office Bureaucrats responded positively, and 100% positive responses from the Regent. (3) on the Conative component; 84.13% of teachers responded positively, 86.4% of the Education Office bureaucrats responded positively, and 90% responded positively from the Regent. The implication is that the implementation of inclusive education services is very likely to run successfully if implemented in Soppeng. Regency because there has been a positive attitude towards people with disabilities and inclusive education services.


Keywords: Attitude, Children with Disabilities, Inclusive Education

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