The Need Assesmen For Digital Career Planning Model Based On Multiple Intteligence (MI) Career Planning Skills Among Z Generation

Syamsurijal Basri(1*), Nur Fadhilah Umar(2),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


Abstract. Career planning is an essential aspect of one's career development. Therefore, it is crucial to help students at the beginning of their career development plan careers based on their interests and talents. Nonetheless, the direction of student career choices has changed along with changing interaction patterns caused by advances in technology in the digital age. So, we need a digital-based career planning model that takes into account the interests and talents of students based on multiple intelligence theory and Holland's theory of career choice. This study aims to produce an overview of the needs of a digital career planning model to improve student career planning in junior high school. This research is descriptive quantitative research. This research aim describes student problems related to career planning, and student needs in terms of career planning models for generation Z. Data collection techniques use interviews, FGD (Focus Group Discussion) and a questionnaire.  The questionnaire to analyze the needs of a career planning model for generations Z. The subjects of this study were 124 junior high school students from three districts, namely Makassar, Maros and Wajo. The data analysis technique used descriptive statistical analysis using the help of the JASP application. The results showed that in general, the students' problems in terms of career planning were in the high category. Students 'career planning problems consist of not recognizing their potential, not being able to make career choices based on their potential, not having careful career planning, not being able to communicate career choices to parents. Also, students' needs related to career planning guidance are in the high category.


Key Words: Needs Analysis, Digital Career Planning, Multiple Intelligence, Career Planning Skills, Z Generation

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