Treadmill and Fartlek Training in Improving V02max Results on Futsal Athletes AFK Makassar City

Hasyim Hasyim(1*), Muhammad Zulfikar(2),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


Abstrak. This research is a type of experimental research that uses a "t-test which aims to determine; (1) Is there any effect of treadmill training toward V02max results on AFK futsal athletes in Makassar city. (2) Is there any effect of sports training toward V02max results on AFK futsal athletes in Makassar city(3) Is there any difference in the effect of treadmill training and fartlek training toward V02max results on AFK futsal athletes in Makassar city. The population was all 18 athletes in Futsal AFK Makassar City. The sampling technique was positive sampling, then the group division system used marching ordinal. The data analysis technique used were descriptive analysis, requirements test, paired t-test analysis, and unpaired t-test analysis through the SPSS 22 program at a significance level of 95% or α 0.05. The results showed that; (1) There is an effect of treadmill training on the V02max results of the AFK futsal athletes in Makassar as evidenced by an increase from an average value of 43.8333 to 52.3667; (2) There is an effect of fartlek training on the V02max results of the AFK futsal athletes in Makassar as evidenced by an increase from an average score of 44.2667 to 46.8889; (3) There is a difference in the effect of treadmill training and fartlek training on the V02max results in AFK futsal athletes in Makassar. VO2Max results for AFK futsal athletes in Makassar were 52.3667> 46.8889. The conclusion is that treadmill training has a greater effect than the Fartlek V02max results for AFK futsal athletes in Makassar.


Keywords : Training, Treadmill, Fartlek, V02max, Futsal

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