Analysis of Balance and Ankle Coordination toward the Ability of SepakSila in Sepak Takraw Game for FIK UNM Makassar Students

Hasbunallah Hasbunallah(1*), Hasyim Hasyim(2),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


Abstract. The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is a contribution of balance and eye coordination to the ability of sepaksila in the game of sepak takraw among students of the Faculty of Science and Technology UNM Makassar. This research is descriptive with two variables used in this study, namely the independent variables namely, balance and ankle coordination. While the dependent variable is thesepaksila ability. This research was carried out by the FIK UNM Makassar campus. The population in this study were all fourth-semester students of FIK UNM Makassar. The sampling technique used in this study was Simple Random Samplingby a lottery. From the results of the determination of the sample taken was the FIK UNM Makassar students as many as 40 students. The data analysis technique used is single correlation (r) and multiple correlation (R) using the SPSS version 20.00 system at a significant level of 95% or (α) = 0.05. Based on the data analysis, the results obtained: (1) There is a significant balance contribution to the ability of sepaksila in the game of sepak takraw for the students of FIK UNM Makassar, the value of R count (Ro) = 0.791 (P (0.000)> 0.05) with a contribution value of 62.6%. (2) There is a significant contribution of eye coordination to the ability of sepaksila football in the game of sepak takraw for the students of FIK UNM Makassar, the value of R count (Ro) = 0.897 (P (0.020)> 0.05) with a contribution value of 80.4%. (3) There is a significant contribution together with the balance and coordination of the ankles on the ability of sepaksila football in the Sepaktakraw game for the students of FIK UNM Makassar, it is proven that the value of R count (Ro) = 0.913 (P (0.001) <0.05) with a contribution value of 83.4 %.


Keywords: Balance, Foot Coordination, Precious Football, Sepak takraw Games

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