Analysis of Learning Interests Against Achievement of Final Results in the Athletics Course of FIK UNM Students

Iskandar Iskandar(1*),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


Abstract. The objectives to be achieved in this research are as follows; To find out whether there is a relationship between interest in learning and the achievement of the final results in the Athletics course of FIK UNM Students. The population of this study were all students of PJKR FIK UNM. The samples in this study were students who were temporarily programming the Advanced Athletics course, the researcher focused the sample on 30 class B class 2019 students. Athletics. The data collection method used a questionnaire technique, athletic ability test and documentation. Data were analyzed using percentage descriptive analysis and correlation analysis. The results showed that: There is a significant relationship between interest in learning and the achievement of the final results of the athletic course of FIK UNM Students. The learning interest of FIK UNM students is in the medium category because it is supported by several factors including the student attention factor with a percentage of 34.95%, followed by the student interest factor of 31.97%, and the last one is the needs of students with a percentage of 33.07%. Regarding the achievement of the final results of the athletic course of FIK UNM students, it can be seen that 46.6% (as many as 14 people) of students have achieved the final results of athletic courses in the high category, 33.3% (10 people) are in the moderate category, and 20% (6 people) are in the low category.


Keywords: Athletics, student

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