The Development Of Supervision Model Using Kkg In Improving Professional Abilities Of Primary School Teachers

Sirajuddin Saleh(1*),

(1) Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


The work of this innovation is an alternative to overcome the problem of academic supervision that has not been implemented properly. The incompetence of academic supervision by the principal of the primary school is due to the large amount of time that the principal's principal uses to carry out administrative and management tasks so that the task of supervision tends to be neglected. This is due to the absence of administrative staff who can help the principal perform administrative and management tasks. Therefore, an innovation is needed to facilitate the implementation of the principal's supervisory task without overriding administrative and management tasks by developing a Cooperative Professional Development (CPD) model supervision that collaborates with existing teacher competency-building trainings (Teachers Working Group). The work of this innovation is generally designed to produce a product in the form of development of academic supervision of Cooperative Professional Development model based on GFC in Primary School. In particular, the purpose of this innovation is: 1) To know the description of the development of academic supervision model Cooperative Professional Development that can improve the professional ability of teachers in Elementary School. 2) To know the development of academic supervision of Cooperative Professional Development model based on KKG that is valid, practical, and interesting. 3) To know the effectiveness of academic supervision development of Cooperative Professional Development model based on KKG in improving teacher professional ability in elementary school, and 4) To know the principal's response as user model / executor of academic supervision of Cooperative Professional Development based on KKG to be developed. The method of innovation used is the Research and Development (R & D) method recommended by Borg & Gall which is modified by stages, namely: (1) preliminary investigation phase to determine potential and problem, and information gathering; (2) design design phase, (3) test phase validity / feasibility of design design (construction), (4) design phase of the design; (5) the phase of conducting a limited trial, (6) the initial product revision phase; (7) design trial use phases; (8) product revision phase after use; And (9) the design / final product design phase.


Development of Supervision dan Teacher Working Group,

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