Employee Work Discipline at the Patilanggio Sub-District Office, Pohuwato Regency

Gretty Syatriani Saleh(1*),

(1) Faculty of Social Science and Politic, Universitas Pohuwato, Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author

DOI: https://doi.org/10.26858/jiap.v12i1.33251


The purpose of the study was to find out and obtain an overview of employee discipline at the Patilanggio sub-district office, Pohuwato district. The object of the research is the employee at the Patilanggio sub-district office, Pohuwato district. which this research was conducted for approximately 2 months, while the research design, the authors used qualitative methods, with research informants 10 informants. The results showed that employee discipline through the role of leaders at the Patilanggio sub-district office, Pohuwato district, was seen in the implementation of the implementation through services provided by civil servants at the Patilanggio sub-district office, which had been carried out together. The leadership of the sub-district head who has supported the duties of employees carried out through direction, guidance and supervision has become an encouragement for employees to carry out their service duties properly. The camat's attention in disciplining his employees is an obligation that must be carried out in order to achieve the goals of the organization. Cmat as government administrators provide services to the community through the assistance of existing employees, in accordance with their respective duties. Effective leadership will only be realized if it is carried out in accordance with its function together with subordinates. Discipline in the concept of the motivational dimension for civil servants at the Patilanggio sub-district office is a very supportive dimension in the administration of government, especially in providing public services. Employees who are spearheading public services at the Patilanggio sub-district office always carry out their duties and functions in accordance with their duties and functions and based on applicable regulations. Employees are given motivation in improving all services provided to the community, it cannot be separated from the role of all elements of leadership, especially in building a conducive work climate and pleasing employees in carrying out their responsibilities. The encouragement given by the leadership to subordinates can grow in giving birth to initiative in carrying out their work. Overall, employees have the responsibility to achieve the organizational goals of the Patilanggio sub-district office, Pohuwato district. The third dimension of the work discipline of employees at the Patilanggio sub-district office is the enforcement of discipline through their daily activities.


Apparatus Dicipline, Implementation, Employee Performance.

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