Nature Theme Pictured Book Used in Teaching English for Elementary Students

Andi Febriana Tamrin(1*), Sulmi Magfirah(2),

(1) English Literature Department, Fajar University
(2) English Literature Department, Fajar University
(*) Corresponding Author



This study aims to find the use of picture in helping students to learn basic English and to increase their awareness of the natural environment. In the long run this research aims to provide a basic method for learning English in elementary schools. The title of the picture books used in this research is “Our Big Home: An Earth Poem”. A qualitative descriptive is applied in this study that aims to create a conceptual model of learning based on storybook. The population used in this study was elementary school located in Malino sub-district, Makassar city. In selecting the technique sample used is a multistage sampling technique. This research applied the data analysis technique of this research is processing data based on the flow method. The result showed that most of the children showed high interest in learning English by using this method and it was also catch the student’s interest to care more about their natural environment by comparing the illustration in the book.


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