Japanese Women Language Politeness in Communication Interview: Sociolinguistic Study

Rani Arfianty(1), Dara Mubshirah(2), Mhd. Pujiono(3*),

(1) Universitas Sumatera Utara
(2) UIN Ar-Raniry
(3) Universitas Sumatera Utara
(*) Corresponding Author

DOI: https://doi.org/10.26858/eralingua.v7i2.47890


Abstract. This study aims to investigate and define Japanese women's language politeness in communication interviews. This study is descriptive, using a content analysis approach. This study collected Japanese women's words, phrases, and clauses from YouTube videos and used free-conversation listening and note-taking techniques to acquire data. The results showed three main types of Japanese woman’s polite language in communication interviews: teineigo, kenjougo, and sonkeigo. Sonkeigo is used when the speaker wishes to show respect for the other person and the person being discussed. In contrast, the phrase kenjyogo puts the speaker on a lesser level with the recipient. Teineigo is best described as a form of polite or formal speech. It is found that keigo is a method of Japanese women to express their politeness, etiquette and also emotional in the same time This finding also contributes to a greater understanding of social position and social status in Japanese society, as well as how Japanese women communicate to maintain their image in the eyes of others


Keywords: Japanese Woman, Politeness Language, Communication Interview, Sociolinguistic

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