I Can Expand My Imagination: The Secondary Students’ Narrative in Creative Writing English Through Padlet

M Galuh Elga Romadhon(1), Dwi Fita Heriyawati(2*),

(1) Universitas Islam Malang
(2) Universitas Islam Malang
(*) Corresponding Author

DOI: https://doi.org/10.26858/eralingua.v7i2.47138


Abstract. This study investigates the impact of Padlet, an online collaborative platform, on the creative writing and imagination of students in an Islamic private school in Pasuruan, comprising 10th and 11th grade students. This study is a qualitative approach, specifically employing narrative inquiry. Data collection methods include observations and semi-structured interviews with the students. Furthermore, data analysis involves identifying key themes and patterns from the interview data, allowing for insight into the influence of Padlet on students’ creativity and imagination. The findings of this study elucidate the potential originality inherent in utilizing Padlet as a medium for amplifying students’ imaginative faculties within the context of writing instruction. Although encountered with some obstacles, most students exhibited adeptness in surmounting these challenges. consequently, this research substantiates our comprehension of how digital tools such as Padlet can be effectively employed within educational settings to nurture creativity and cultivate superior writing proficiencies. Moreover, this investigation addresses a significant research gap concerning Padlet’s influence on imagination within writing courses. The derived insights furnish valuable guidance for teachers and educational institutions seeking to integrate analogues platforms in order to foster imaginative cogitation and self-expression, thereby fostering an enriched academic milieu.     

Keywords: Creative Writing, Padlet Media, Students’ Imagination, EFL Learning

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