Motion Analysis Of Spike Techniques Using Kinovea Application For Volleyball POPDA Karawang In 2023

Muhammad Rafi Hidayat Subagdja(1*), Saryono Saryono(2), Qorry Armen Gemael(3), Habibi Hadi Wijaya(4), Deden Akbar Izzuddin(5),

(1) University of Singaperbangsa Karawang
(2) University of Singaperbangsa Karawang
(3) University of Singaperbangsa Karawang
(4) University of Singaperbangsa Karawang
(5) University of Singaperbangsa Karawang
(*) Corresponding Author



Volleyball is played by 2 teams, each team consists of 6 players. The game of volleyball has four important roles, namely set-upper, spiker, libero and defender. defender. Volleyball game techniques are passing, serving, smash and block. The technique that is often used in volleyball games is spike or smash. smash. The spike or smash technique is one of the attacks carried out by the player to gain points. by the player to get points. biomechanics ability of the player is veryplays an important role for the perfect technique perfect technique movement requires analysis, namely by using the kinovea application. This research uses a quantitative approach, with the method used is descriptive. It aims to analyze Motion Mechanics of Spike Techniques in the Sports Branch Volleyball at the Regional Student Sports Week Level Karawang Year 2023. Data analysis used with the help of kinovea applications (software). The population is POPDA Karawang Regency in 2023. The sample studied was 6 male athletes with the target age (15 - 18 years) average birth 2005 - 2008. open spike with 3 steps of the phase using the right foot and left foot, closed with the imposition of the ball. RJ showed a right foot start angle of 113° and a left foot of 133°, while at the ball's contact it reached 288°. each player has unique movement characteristics when performing open spikes, which can be influenced by individual factors such as body strength, technique, and coordination.


Analysis; Volleyball; Spike Technique; Kinovea.


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Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Rafi Hidayat Subagdja, Saryono Saryono Saryono, Saryono Saryono Saryono, Qorry Armen Gemael, Qorry Armen Gemael, Habibi Hadi Wijaya, Habibi Hadi Wijaya, Deden Akbar Izzuddin, Deden Akbar Izzuddin

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