The Effect Of Resistance Band Exercises On Leg Muscle Power In Basketball Athletes At The Bekasi Sniper Basketball Club

Alvian Fuad Lukman(1*), M. Arief Setiawan(2), Habibi Hadi Wijaya(3),

(1) Singaperbangsa University
(2) Singaperbangsa University
(3) Singaperbangsa University
(*) Corresponding Author



This research experienced difficulties when jumping for lay ups and jump shoots, therefore the researchers wanted to provide training using resistance bands to increase leg muscle power when jumping during lay ups and jumps. shoot jThis type of research uses experiments with a quantitative approach and one group pretest posttest design. The population was 30 athletes and the sample was 24 athletes using total sampling techniques. Test the instrument using a vertical jump tool. The data analysis technique uses the normality test, homogeneity test and Wilcoxon test with SPSS IBM 21. The lowest value obtained from the pretest results was 49.00 and from the posttest results was 52.00. datapretest-posttest powerSniper Basketball athlete's limbs have a p value (Sig.) > 0.05. datapretest-posttest powerSniper Basketball athlete's limbs sig value. p > 0.05, so the data is homogeneous. t count is 5.454 and t table (df 21) 2.069 with a significance p value of 0.000. Because t count is 5.454 > t table 2.069, and the significance value is 0.000 < 0.05, then this result shows that there is a significant difference. Thus the alternative hypothesis (Ha) readsThere is a significant effect of practice useresistance bandstopowerSniper Basketball athlete's limbs. It can be concluded that there is an influence of resistance bands on leg muscle power in Bekasi Sniper Basketball club players



Basketball, Resistance Bands, Leg muscle power

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