Evaluation of the Technical Aspects of the Persibo Bojonegoro Club in the Football Competition organized by PSSI

Masdra Nurriza(1*), Taufiq Hidayat(2), Achmad Widodo(3), Dwi Cahyo Kartiko(4), Gigih Siantoro(5), Wijono Wijono(6),

(1) Surabaya State University
(2) Surabaya State University
(3) Surabaya State University
(4) Surabaya State University
(5) Surabaya State University
(6) Surabaya State University
(*) Corresponding Author

DOI: https://doi.org/10.26858/cjpko.v16i1.59788


The purpose of this study was to determine the evaluation of the technical aspects of the Persibo Bojonegoro club in the football competition organized by PSSI. This type of research is evaluative research (evaluation research) using descriptive methods. The evaluation research design in this study is SWOT analysis. The sources of this data or resource persons are people who play a role in the Persibo Bojonegoro team, including managers as management, old and new players, coaches and other supporting parties. In collecting data namely through observation, direct interviews and documentation. The analytical technique used in this study is descriptive. The results showed that: (1) Strengths include (a) Highly licensed Coach Experience, and (b) Talented young players make the team; (2) Weaknesses include (a) some coaches have unwritten and recorded training programs, and (b) facilities and infrastructure in the Persibo team are sufficient; (3) Opportunities include (a) the opportunity to win sponsors, and (b) the opportunity to become a big team in Indonesia because it has a good history; and (4) Threats or threats that are owned include (a) Young talent players move to other clubs on free transfers, and (b) Potential coaches move to other clubs when the competition has not ended.


Evaluation; Technique; Competition; Football.

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