Analysis of Changes In Creatine Kinase Myocardial Band (CK-MB) And F2-Isoprostane Levels After A 30 Km Cycling Event In The Makassar Bike Community

Maryam Marsuki(1*), Irfan Idris(2), Djohan Aras(3), Andi Wardihan Sinrang(4), Ilhamjaya Patellongi(5), Nukhrawi Nawir(6),

(1) Hasanuddin University
(2) Hasanuddin University
(3) Hasanuddin University
(4) Hasanuddin University
(5) Hasanuddin University
(6) Makassar State University
(*) Corresponding Author



This study aims to determine changes in levels of Creatine Kinase-Myocardial Band and F2-Isoprostane after a 30 km cycling event. This is a pre-experimental study on 30 subjects of male cyclists aged 30-60 years taken by purposive sampling method. The pretest was carried out the day before the 30 km cycling event, then the post-test was carried out 2 hours after the cycling event. Blood testing was done with an ELISA Kit. Data analysis using the Wilcoxon test showed significant changes in Creatine Kinase-Myocardial Band levels after a 30 km cycling event (p=0.003). Meanwhile, there was no significant change in F2-Isoprostane levels after the event (p=0.688). The results of the Spearman test showed that there was a correlation between changes in levels of creatine kinase-myocardial band with changes in levels of F2-Isoprostane (p=0.042). 


Cycling; F2-Isoprostane; CK-MB.

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