An Attempt to Enhance the Social Welfare of People with Disabilities Through Creative Economy Development During the COVID-19 Pandemic (Study: Makassar City)

Chaerizanisazi Chaerizanisazi(1*), ST Musyawarah(2),

(1) College of Social Welfare Sciences (STIKS) Tamalanrea Makassar (STIKS) Tamalanrea Makassar
(2) College of Social Welfare Sciences (STIKS) Tamalanrea Makassar (STIKS) Tamalanrea Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author



This study intended to analyse and explain creative economy development strategies and methods that might affect the improvement of social welfare for people with disabilities during the Covid-19 pandemic, particularly in Makassar. This research employed a qualitative methodology, namely field observations coupled with literature reviews, interviews, and the collection of documentation results, followed by the formulation of a research discussion. The findings of this investigation demonstrated various facts. First, the strategies and methods for developing the creative economy that is implemented to increase social welfare for people with disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic, including the implementation of programme management strategies (coordination, monitoring, and evaluation) in conducting creative economic training with people with disabilities, such as when making jamu (herbal medicine), snacks, and inclusive masks. The Peer-Peer Strategy is a strategy for exchanging information between People with Disabilities and Non-Disabled People following creative economy training. This demonstrated that the independence and potential of people with disabilities are growing, making it simpler for them to find employment. Furthermore, the third is the Digital marketing strategy through social media and collaboration with various institutions or networks of disability organisations, which increases sales of creative economy products, allowing people with disabilities to improve their financial well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Disabilities; Creative Economy; Pandemic COVID-19

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