The Influence of Parents' Leadership, Supervision and Communication on Teacher Performance

Muh. Said(1*),

(1) Postgraduate Management Program, ITB of Nobel Indonesia Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author



This study aims to determine and analyze the influence of parental leadership, supervision, communication on teacher performance at SMA Negeri 2 Takalar Regency. The research approach used in this study is a quantitative method. The data collection technique used is by making observations, distributing questionnaires and documentation. The population is all PNS teachers at SMA Negeri 2 Takalar, totaling 52 people. From these data, the unit of analysis is taken from the number of State teachers so that the census method is a method that is in accordance with the existing conditions at SMA Negeri 2 Takalar. The results show that leadership has a positive and significant effect on teacher performance, as well as parental supervision and communication, positive and significant influence on teacher performance at SMA Negeri 2 Takalar Regency, the coefficient of determination (R square) is 70.2% which can be means that all independent variables (X) have a contribution to performance while the rest are not included in the study.


Leadership; Supervision; Parental Communication; Teacher Performance

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