The Influence of Microfinance, Interest in Entrepreneurship and Business Location on the Development of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises

Ahmad Syarief Iskandar(1*), Hendra Safri(2), Ummul Hasanah Sahar(3),

(1) Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business Palopo Negeri State Islamic Institute
(2) Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business Palopo Negeri State Islamic Institute
(3) Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business Palopo Negeri State Islamic Institute
(*) Corresponding Author



This study aims to determine microfinance, the location of the business interest in entrepreneurship affects the development of MSMEs in Palopo City. The method used in this study is quantitative; data collection was carried out using a questionnaire with 200 customers of microfinance Bank Syariah Mandiri Sub-Branch Office Palopo City. Samples were taken using the Slovin formula with 66.66 rounded up to 67 people. The data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression. The results show that: 1) Islamic bank microfinance variable (X1) partially affects the development of MSMEs. 2) The variable of interest in entrepreneurship (X2) has no partial effect on the development of MSMEs. 3) The business location variable (X3) partially affects the development of MSMEs. 4) Variables of microfinance (X1), interest in entrepreneurship (X2), and business location (X3) simultaneously affect the development of MSMEs. The results of the partial research / T-test, the variable of Islamic bank microfinance (X1) Tcount > T table, ie 2,296 > 1,998 with a significant level of 0.025 < 0.05. The results of the partial test / T-test of the entrepreneurial interest variable (X2) Thitunng < T table, namely -0.712 < 1.998 with a significance level of 0.479 > 0.05. The results of the partial test / T-test of the business location variable (X3) Tcount > T table ie 3,627 > 1,998 with a significant level of 0.001 < 0.05. Simultaneous test (F test) obtained variable results (X1), (X2), and (X3) have a simultaneous effect on the MSME development variable (Y) because Fcount > Ftable is obtained, which is 10.548 > 2.76 with a significance value of 0.000 < 0.05. The implications of the results of this study suggest that BSM KCP Palopo City further improves services to customers accompanied by the provision of technical assistance and open access to microfinance for MSME actors down to the smallest sector to achieve more equitable welfare. As well as increasing socialization about Islamic banks, especially about Islamic microfinance. The implications of the results of this study suggest that BSM KCP Palopo City further improves services to customers accompanied by the provision of technical assistance and open access to microfinance for MSME actors down to the smallest sector to achieve more equitable welfare. As well as increasing socialization about Islamic banks, especially about Islamic microfinance. The implications of the results of this study suggest that BSM KCP Palopo City further improves services to customers accompanied by the provision of technical assistance and open access to microfinance for MSME actors down to the smallest sector to achieve more equitable welfare. As well as increasing socialization about Islamic banks, especially about Islamic microfinance.


Mandiri Syariah Bank Microfinance; Interest in Entrepreneurship, Business Location, MSME Development

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