The Influence of Entrepreneurial Literacy on the Entrepreneurial Intentions of Accounting Majoring Students in Vocational High Schools

Alinvithasari Alinvithasari(1*), Samsinar Samsinar(2), Sitti Hajerah Hasyim(3),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(3) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


This study aims to determine the effect of entrepreneurial literacy on entrepreneurial intentions of class XI students majoring in accounting at SMK Negeri 6 Makassar. The variables in the study are entrepreneurial literacy as the independent variable (X) and entrepreneurial intentions as the dependent variable (Y). The population of this study were all 70 students of class XI majoring in accounting at SMK Negeri 6 Makassar, while the sample was 70 students of class XI majoring in accounting who were taken using a saturated sampling technique. Data was collected using questionnaires and documentation techniques, then the data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, instrument testing and hypothesis testing with the help of SPSS 25 for windows.

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