Improving the Ability to Recognize the Symbols of the Pancasila Precepts Using Quiet Book Media for Children with Mental Disabilities in Special Schools

Hajar Iswatul Hasanah(1*), Mustafa Mustafa(2), Triyanto Pristiwaluyo(3),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(3) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


The results of this study can be concluded that the ability to recognize the symbols of Pancasila subject before the application of intervention through the use of quite book media is in the low category, the ability to recognize the symbols of Pancasila subject in the phase of using quite book media is in the very high category, the ability to recognize the symbols of Pancasila after the provision of intervention through quite book media is in the very high category, and the increase in the ability to recognize the symbols of Pancasila in children with tunagrahita based on the results between conditions, namely in the condition before being given treatment (baseline-1) the ability to recognize the symbols of Pancasila the subject is low to increase to a very high category in the condition during the intervention and in the condition during the intervention the ability to recognize the symbols of Pancasila after being given treatment (baseline-2) the child decreases to a high category, but the value obtained by the subject NA is better than before the intervention. Thus the use of quite book media can improve the ability to recognize the symbols of Pancasila in class IV tunagrahita children at Special Needs School Negeri 1 Gowa.

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