The Effect of Using Pop-Up Media on Narrative Writing Skills in Elementary School Students in Indonesian Language Learning in Maros District

Sisi Muliati(1*), Syamsiah D(2), Amir Pada(3),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(3) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


This research is an experimental research which aims (1) to find out the description of the use of pop-up media in class IV SDN 160 Inpres Lemo-Lemo Maros Regency, (2) to find out the narrative writing skills of students in class IV SD Negeri 160 Inpres Lemo-Lemo Maros Regency, and (3) to determine the effect of using pop-up media on students' narrative writing skills in Indonesian language learning in class IV SDN 160 Inpres Lemo-Lemo Maros Regency. The sample used in this study was based on a saturated sample technique, totaling 48 people. The research variable consists of the independent variable, namely pop-up media, and the dependent variable, namely narrative writing skills. The research procedure used in two stages, namely the preparation stage and the implementation stage. Data collection techniques in this study used tests with data analysis techniques using descriptive and inferential techniques which were divided into normality, homogeneity and hypothesis analysis tests. The results of the descriptive analysis show that the use of pop-up media when used makes students interested so that it produces a very good category. The narrative writing skills based on the results of the posttest in the experimental class show a pretty good category. While narrative writing skills based on the results of the posttest in the control class showed a poor category. Based on the results of inferential statistical analysis, P = 0.005 was smaller than α = 0.05. It can be concluded that there is an effect of using pop-up media on students' narrative writing skills in Indonesian language learning class IV SDN 160 Inpres Lemo-Lemo, Maros Regency.

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