The Effect of Crossword Puzzle Learning Strategies on Learning Interests of Elementary School Students in Social Studies Subjects in Takalar Regency

Indah Lestari(1*), Nurfaizah A.P(2), St. Nursiah B(3),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar, Makassar
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar, Makassar
(3) Universitas Negeri Makassar, Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


This study aims to determine the application of the Crossword Puzzle learning strategy, a description of students' learning interest in social subject, and to describe whether there is an influence of the Crossword Puzzle learning strategy on students' learning interest in social subject. The population in this study were the fifth grade students of SDN No.99 Kampung Beru, Takalar Regency with 40 total students and taking 30 students as samples using simple random sampling. Data were collected using a non-test in the form of a questionnaire with a Likert scale design and the Noneequivalent Control Group Design model consisting of an experimental class and a control class. Data analysis in this study used the SPSS 26.0 program. The results of this study indicate that: (1) The application of Crossword Puzzle learning strategies in social studies subjects is in the good and very good categories; (2) The description of students' interest in learning after the implementation of the Crossword Puzzle learning strategy is higher than the student's interest in learning after applying the usual/conventional learning model. (3) The analysis of the influence of the Crossword Puzzle learning strategy on students' learning interest shows that there is a significant influence between the Crossword Puzzle learning strategy on students' learning interest. The implication of this research is that it is necessary for the teacher to encourage students to increase student interest in learning by applying the Crossword Puzzle learning strategy, because this strategy has an influence on students' interest in learning to support the learning process to be better, especially in social subjects.

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