Reso: In The Perspective Of Padangkang Wajo

Muh Suryawan Amrani(1*), Andi Ima Kesuma(2), St. Junaeda(3),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(3) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


This study aims to find out how the concept of reso is in the perspective of Padangkang Wajo and how does Padangkang Wajo implement reso in Dangkang. To achieve this goal, the researchers used type of qualitative research using a descriptive approach. Data collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation. The data that has been obtained from the research results are processed using Descriptive Analysis using qualitative data to find out how the concept of reso is in the perspective of Padangkang Wajo and how Padangkang Wajo implements reso in Dangkang. The research results show that (1) the concept of reso in the Padangkang Wajo perspective is effort and hard work in terms of meeting the needs of family life where the necessities of life are not just a business but consistent with what is carried out and makareso is also a concept of worship, (2 ) The implementation of reso in dangkang, Padangkang Wajo is described in several characteristics or ways of the Wajo people trading, namely (1) Responsible, (2) Honest, (3) Courageous, (4) Creativity, (5) Not ashamed, (6) Having a soul leader.


Summary, Makareso, Reso, Dangkang; Padangkang Wajo; and Implementation

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