Applying Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) to Improve Students’ English-Speaking Skill

Muhammad Qurays(1*), Muhammad Basri Wello(2), Chairil Anwar Korompot(3),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(3) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


This research aims to determine the level of students’ speaking skill improvement and the application of the Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) approach in teaching speaking skills. In this part, the researcher shows these findings based on the questionnaire results on applying the Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) approach in teaching speaking skills developed by Novitasari, N., Wahyuningsih, N., & Agustina, H. N. (2022). The research applied quantitative methods and experimental research in particular. The subjects were students’ Politeknik Pelayaran Barombong, notably in class Diploma III of Nautika. The research findings showed that regarding the pre-test from the experimental class from 20 students of Nautika at Politeknik Pelayaran Barombong, the total score is 1040.22. The mean score is 52.01, then, regarding the pre-test from the controlled class from 20 students of Nautika at Politeknik Pelayaran Barombong showed a total score is 943.75. The mean score is 47.18. As a result, regarding the post-test from the experimental class, 20 students of Nautika at Politeknik Pelayaran Barombong showed a total score of 1693.75. The mean score is 79.75.


Content and Language Integrated Language (CLIL); speaking skill; approach; students’ perception

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