The Use of Economic Tokens in Increasing Autistic Children's Interest in Writing in Special Schools

Israwali Amar(1*), Bastiana Bastiana(2), Mustafa Mustafa(3),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(3) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


The main objective in this study was to determine the increase in interest in writing in grade 1 autistic children. The data collection technique used was action tests or performance tests. The subject of this study was 1 autistic student in grade 1. The research technique was an experiment using Single Subject Research (SSR) with an A-B-A design. The data obtained were analyzed through quantitative statistics and displayed in the form of percentages, graphs and mean. The results of this study indicate that the child's ability to write before applying the token economy method is in the poor category. (1) ability in interest in writing the subject of AG before the application of the token economy method is very low). (2) the ability to write AG subject when given treatment through the token economy increases to the high category. (3) after being given treatment using the token economy method, the interest in writing for autistic children is in the sufficient category. (4) an increase in the ability to write subject AG in baseline condition 1 (A1) before being given treatment from the high category in intervention condition B during treatment, decreased to the sufficient category in baseline condition 2 (A2) after being given treatment, but the value AG subjects were obtained higher than before being given treatment. This means that the token economy method can increase the interest in writing for autistic children. This is due to the influence of the intervention.


Ability in writing interest; token economy method; Autistic Children

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