Analysis of Psychological Differences between Male and Female Speakers in Sociolinguistic Studies

Multazamsyah Multazamsyah(1*), Abdul Rahman(2),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


In this study, the focus will be on the psychological forms of narrative based on gender, namely men and women. We will also relate this to the existence of sociolinguistic studies, which discusses how to interact, both with the same sex and with the opposite sex. From here we will know the difference between the two narratives. As we know, sociolinguistics comes from the word social and linguistics. Social is related to community interaction, while linguistics is the study of language. So, it can be said that socioinguistics is a study that compiles theories about the relationship between society and language. Then in psychology which studies about scientific disciplines that study more deeply about the mental, mind, and human behavior. This scientific discipline examines the trains of human thought and the reasons behind those behaviors and actions. From a psychological point of view, men have a psychology that is generally different from women. Therefore, what they say is also not the same. Sociolinguistics transfers this concept, so that the term language variation based on gender or gender appears.


Sociolinguistics; Psychology; Interaction; Men; Women.

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