Improving Beginning Writing Ability Through Graphomotor Exercise Techniques for Cerebral Palsy Elementary School Students

Naithi Aprilyanti Suklasrini(1*), Tatiana Meidina(2), Bastiana Bastiana(3),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(3) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


The purpose of this study is to determine: 1) the ability to write a beginning before the administration of graphomotor exercise techniques to students of cerebral palsy class III, 2) the ability to write beginnings during the provision of graphomotor exercise techniques in students of cerebral palsy class III, 3) the ability to write beginnings after the provision of graphomotor exercise techniques in cerebral palsy students class III, 4) improvement of initial writing ability through graphomotor exercise techniques based on the results of inter-condition analysis in students of cerebral palsy grade III . The subject of this study was a cerebral palsy student of grade III elementary school whose initials were ARI. conclusions of the results of this study: 1) the ability to write the beginning of ARI subjects at very low initial conditions based on the results of baseline analysis 1 (A1), 2) the ability to write the beginning of ARI subjects at the time of being given the intervention increased to a very high category judging from the analysis in the intervention conditions (B), 3) the ability to write the beginning of the ARI subject after being given treatment to a high category, 4) the ability to write the beginning of the ARI subject based on the results of the analysis between conditions i.e. from the very low category, increasing to the very high category at the time of the intervention, and descending to the high category after the intervention is given.


Early writing ability; graphomotor exercise techniques; cerebral palsy

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