EFL Teacher’s Questioning in Classroom Interaction

Nurul Magfirah(1*), Baso Jabu(2), Kisman Salija(3),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(3) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


This research discussed about teachers’ questioning in EFL classroom interaction. This research was conducted to discover types of questions that teacher used in classroom interaction, to explore how teacher applied the questioning in classroom interaction and to examine the students’ perception on teacher’s questioning in classroom interaction. This research was conducted at SMK Mutiara Ilmu Makassar. The descriptive qualitative method was applied to gain the data and the sources of data were 10 respondents. The instruments used in this research were observation checklist, video recording, and interview. The result of this research showed that in classroom interaction, teacher applied eight types of question they are; Display question, remember question, understand questions that categorized as low-level question that commonly used to check students’ understanding, recall the previous lesson and check students’ knowledge. Referential questions, analyze questions, evaluate questions, and create question categorized as high-level questions that commonly used to increase the students’ critical thinking. In applying the questioning, the teacher controls the questioning by using questioning strategies there are choose a volunteer, choose a non-volunteer, respond to the students’ questions, reinforcement, and probing. Therefore, the teacher’s questioning affected to make the students' more active involvement in classroom interaction. The result also showed that most of the students gave a positive perception of the teacher’s questioning such as it can help them to remember and mastered the lessons well. 


Teacher’s questioning; Questioning strategy; Classroom interaction; Students’ perceptions

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