An Analysis of English Teacher’s Strategies in Online Learning Process at High School Students

Nurul Hikmah Ramadhani(1*), Kisman Salija(2), Nurdin Noni(3),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(3) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


This research aimed to determine the teachers ‘strategies that were applied by the English teachers at SMA Negeri 4 Wajo and the students’ perception about teachers ‘strategies in online learning. Research methods used by the author was the mixed methods research design. The research was conducted in SMA Negeri 4 Wajo. In this research, the extraction of research data used the technique of total purposive sampling. In this research, the researcher employed three research instruments which consist of (1) observation checklist when the teacher teaching online learning. (2) interview with the teachers to found their strategies, and (3) questionnaire to know the student’s perception about teachers ‘strategies. The results of this study indicated that: 1) the researcher concluded that there were three teachers ‘strategies that teacher applied in online learning at SMA Negeri 4 Wajo. There was dialogue in speaking skill, bottom-up strategy in listening skill, L-R-D strategy in reading skill. Teachers used this strategy because it is handbook based and easy to practice online. Several other strategies are sometimes used by teachers, but they are very rare because they are less efficient in the online teaching process. 2) After saw the result of the questionnaire, the result of the research shows that students’ perception about teachers’ strategies in online learning at SMA Negeri 4 Wajo agreed with all the teachers’ strategies in online learning. students felt the strategies are helps them to understanding the materials and it can be effective when the strategies applied in online learning. Also, students are enthusiastic and easy to understand well with the material that have been delivered by media that the teacher used.


Teachers ‘strategies; Online learning; Students Perception

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