Understanding Laughter and the Role of Nigerian Laughterpreneurs in a Failing Economy

Lilian Okoro(1*),

(1) University of Calabar
(*) Corresponding Author


Historically, comedy has been at the root of human existence. The need for people to relive their lives from overwhelming stress is imperative, and comedy in all its different forms comes in handy. In this paper, the stand-up comedian and other ancillary units are referred to as “Laughterpreneurs.” Laughter as an enterprise is instrumental in pulling people out of different types of stress. Spontaneous, derisive, and volitional laughter are among the types of laughter that have been identified in this work as raw materials for the Laughterpreneur. Through the instrumentality of laughter, the entrepreneur of laughter (laughterpreneure), whose narrative of creative ideas evokes excitement from the audience, is capable of making great profits as well as reducing the stress of the populace. This paper is geared towards the proper understanding of the effects of laughter on the human body, vis-à-vis the benefits of laughter and comedy to Nigerians. It has been observed that the Nigerian falling economy is a stimulus to the incessant cases of suicide and other psychological challenges. Hence, there seems to be an unending stream of news threads on tragic developments across the globe, and in Nigeria in particular. This paper’s major objective is to understand the role of Nigeria’s laughter entrepreneurs in a failing economy prompted by emerging socio-economic challenges, especially the incessant cases of suicide. This paper recommends that Laughterpreneur could reduce depression and its attendant fallouts. Furthermore, this research suggests that proper platforms for artist training and policies be developed to aid “Laughterpreneurs” in Nigeria.


Gotology; laughter; humour; economic recession; Laughterpreneurship; Failing Economy

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