Online Learning Vocabulary by Utilizing Duolingo Application

Reskyani Reskyani(1*), Muhammad Basri(2), Kisman Salija(3),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(3) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


The purpose of this research is to examine three cases, namely: (1) How are the students’ perceptions on the online game Duolingo application for students’ vocabulary learning, 2) How do the students implement the online game Duolingo application for their vocabulary learning. (3) How is the impact of utilizing the online game Duolingo application on students’ vocabulary learning. This research used qualitative research. This research was conducted to determine the use of the Duolingo game on vocabularies such as students’ perceptions of the Duolingo game, student’s implementation of the Duolingo game, and the impact of the Duolingo game on students’ vocabulary learning. In this research, researcher used purposive sampling to collect data. In this research, 15 students participated as participants and this research was conducted at SMPN 6 Karossa. The results of this research show that using the Duolingo game application on students’ vocabulary is very good. Students are very happy, relaxed, and enthusiastic about learning English. Students’ vocabulary is greatly increased by using this game. They are easier to understand the vocabulary found in this Duolingo game. They are not pressured when learning English using this game because they can use it in other places not only at school and they use games to hone their word skills for about 10-15 minutes so students do not get bored in learning English. The results of this study can be a reflection for students to be more interested in learning English using the Duolingo game.


Vocabulary; Duolingo Application; Perception; Implementation; Impact

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