A Synoptic Analysis of the Phrase, ‘Philosophy of’ and Its Application to Education

Ohere, Afen Pius(1*),

(1) Department of Philosophy, University of Calabar Calabar Cross River State, Nigeria
(*) Corresponding Author


This paper is devoted to discussing “A Synoptic Analysis of the Phrase, ‘Philosophy of’ and its Application to Education: Nigeria in Focus.” Philosophy of education by using the tool of critical analysis provides a foundation for the discipline of education.  For instance, the problems of Nigeria’s philosophy of Education centered largely on: false education and ignorance. These produced encrusted prejudices, wrong values, wrong priorities, erroneous assumptions, disordered ambitions and impede goals. Hence, the need for relevant educational philosophy for the Nigerian system of education becomes clear, obvious and acute. The manifestations of ignorance and false education have for long-entrenched the philosophy of education for Nigeria in albatross. When falsity and ignorance are removed from education, everything will turn out better if not best. The methods applied in this paper are textual and contextual analysis. A deep analysis of these problems called for urgent overhauling of the educational system for the sake of individuals and nation-building


Education; Philosophy of Education; Nigeria.

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