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Publication Ethics

JoEELE: Journal of Excellence in English Language Education publication ethics refers to Cope of Publication Ethic (COPE) set by Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI) through Peraturan Kepala LIPI Number 5 Year  2014 on Scientific Publication Ethics. COPE contracts all parties involved in INDONESIA manuscript publication processes: publisher, editors, reviewers, and authors. COPE INDONESIA concerns three principles underlying scientific publication ethics, including (1) neutrality, i.e. free from conflict of interests, (2) fairness, i.e. provision of authors’ rights, and (3) honesty, i.e. free from duplication, fabrication, falsification, and plagiarism.  

In relation to COPE LIPI (Peraturan Kepala LIPI Number 5 the Year 2014 on Scientific Publication Ethics), there are four pillars of scientific publication that need to be referred to: (1) practices related to publisher tasks, that include establishing policy and publication programs, facilitating editors and reviewers work, respecting editors and reviewers decision, as well as determining sponsors and selecting the third parties. In publication practices, the publisher is obliged to guarantee submissions that comply with the Scientific Publication Ethics as a whole. In terms of sponsorship, the publisher needs to make sure that sponsors and the third parties do not complicate rewards and influence journal policy and programs; (2) practices associated with editors' tasks, that include making a decision related to the publication of the manuscript, regulating reviews of the manuscript, as well as assuring the fairness of the results of the manuscript reviews, the confidentiality of the content, and protecting it from manuscript manipulation. (3) practices related to reviewers' tasks, which include reviewing manuscripts either openly or in private, checking the accuracy and the authenticity of data sources, references, and concepts, as well as the objectivity of the content, and performing a neutral review. (4) practices related to authors' tasks, that are to examine practices related to authors tasks including the authority of the manuscript, the statement of the originality of the manuscript, the detection of the manuscript duplication possibility, the acknowledgment of sponsorship, authority statements, and the statement of the sources of research funding.