Try Saputra Karim(1), Fatimah Hidayahni Amin(2*), Riny Jefri(3), Andi Riswan Mohamad(4),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(3) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(4) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


Online games have had tri-impact on people's lives, including college students. In addition to the negative impact, the researcher also found the positive impact of online games related to learning English, namely it can provide convenience in Learning English and improve English language skills in the fields of vocabulary. The research method in this study was descriptive with an interview approach in qualitative research. The descriptive research method is used to solve or answer the problem being faced by collecting data, classification, analysis, conclusions, and reports. This method is done by describing or describing the data that has been collected. The researcher did the research and got the complete data from all the research instruments including questionnaire and interview questions. Based on the results of research on the impact of playing online games on the learners’ English vocabulary, it can be concluded they use online games as Learning media to increase English vocabulary when discussing with other gamers. They also agree that they feel more comfortable Learning English through online games and users learners often internet with gamers from outside Indonesia. Learners also think that online games can help them improve their English skills, especially in the areas of listening, speaking and reading. Some of the skills they also acquire include new vocabulary to understand or translate English texts and 'accuracy in using proper grammar. These learners make online games as their self-taught Learning tool.


Online Games; Learning English; Vocabulary

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Copyright (c) 2024 Fatimah HIDAYAHNI AMIN, S. Pd, M. Pd Unm, Fatimah Hidayahni Amin, Riny Jefri, Andi Riswan Mohamad

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