St. Junaeda .(1*),

(1) unm
(*) Corresponding Author



Hajj is one of the fifth pillars of Islam for Muslims. Hajj is the closing for the Muslim community, because it has indicated its readiness and ability, both religiously and materially. For the people of Bontolempangang in Gowa Regency, "pilgrimage" is one of the important agendas in their lives, but they understand that the pilgrimage is not only carried out in Mecca, as Muslims in general do, but they consider that the practice of "pilgrimage" can also performed on the top of Mount Bawakaraeng, which is then known as Haji Bawakaraeng. This article specifically discusses the practice of Hajj Bawakaraeng, especially for people in Bontolempagang District, Gowa Regency. Bawakaraeng's "hajj" practice is based on cultural practices that have very strong contact with Islam. Therefore, this practice is carried out by those who are Muslim, who believe in the pillars of Islam, one of which is the pilgrimage to Mecca.

The method used in this paper is the observation method. This method relies on direct observations in the field to obtain data related to the practice of Haji Bawakaraeng. Observations are made to understand the phenomenon of the research object being carried out. In addition to observation, interviews become a comparison of the observational data that was carried out. As a conclusion, this study explains that the practice of Haji Bawakaraeng is a cultural practice and not an Islamic practice, which has very strong links with Islamic religious practices.


Keywords: Islam, Hajj Bawakaraeng, Culture, Pillars of Islam, Bontolempangang

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