Silvester Edwin Surya Pitang(1*), Abdul Rahman .(2), Idham Irwansyah Idrus(3),

(1) Pendidikan Antropologi UNM
(2) Pendidikan Antropologi UNM
(3) Sosiologi UNM
(*) Corresponding Author




This study examines the lives of the poor in the city of Parepare, South Sulawesi. This study intends to find out how the strategy and description of the poor in the city of Parepare especially in the Lapadde Village area, the factors that affect poverty in the area and how the role of the government in dealing with poverty. This study uses a qualitative research method, with the data collection process carried out by means of observation, interviews and documentation. The results of this study indicate that: 1. The community's survival strategy tends to use there strategies, namely active, passive and network, 2. There are three factors that affect poverty in Parepare, especially Lapadde, namely Education, Laziness, and Number of Families, 3. The role of the government must can be a coordinator for the community so that they can direct and see directly which people really need and deserve to be given assistance.


Keywords: Poverty, Society, Government

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