Asri Ayu Rusli(1*), Nurlela . .(2), Mauliadi Ramli ,(3),

(1) Pendidikan Antropologi UNM
(2) Pendidikan Antropologi UNM
(3) sosiologi UNM
(*) Corresponding Author




This study aims to determine: (1) The maccelleng-celleng tradition according to religious leaders and traditional leaders in the Bugis marriage tradition in Segeri District, Pangkep Regency. (2) The socio-cultural values of the maccelleng-celleng tradition in Segeri District, Pangkep Regency. (3) Why the maccelleng-celleng tradition is still carried out in Segeri District, Pangkep Regency. This study uses a type of qualitative research analyzed and written descriptively. Data collection techniques were carried out using observation, interviews, and documentation methods involving as many as 17 (seventeen) informants. The results of this study indicate that: (1) According to traditional leaders, the maccelleng-celleng tradition is a community habit at the time of the wedding ceremony which is held at night. In maccelleng culture, the groom's family brings snacks such as instant noodles, crackers, sweets, etc. to be brought to the prospective woman's house by throwing it. This tradition is carried out to visit prospective women before the wedding ceremony. According to religious leaders in Segeri sub-district, maccelleng-celeng is a tradition that has been carried out long ago by the community, as long as the tradition does not deviate from the teachings that are prohibited by religion. (2) This maccelleng-celeng tradition has good socio-cultural values in social life. With this tradition, a marriage is more meaningful, because marriage is a place where one family becomes a big family and this tradition is present in the midst of the Segeri community with its values that are deeply felt by the Segeri people. (3) The miscellaneous activities carried out by the Segeri people so far are only natural if they are maintained and maintained properly, because they have become the identity of the Pangkep people. The Segeri people are happy with this tradition because it is fun and happy for the community, which is a symbol that in a marriage gratitude and happiness are things that are deeply felt by families and relatives. With this tradition, all the people who participate can feel the joy and values that are strongly felt by the community.


Keywords: Maccelleng-Celleng Tradition, Marriage, Segeri People


Keywords: Maccelleng-Celleng Tradition, Marriage, Segeri People

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