The development of lulo creation dance to improve students’ social skills

Rahayu Pertiwi Sari(1*), Siti Fatimahtun Zahra(2),

(1) SMA Negeri 1 Unahaa
(2) STKIP Muhammadiyah Manokwari
(*) Corresponding Author



This research aims to find out (1) the description of needs toward the model of Lulo dance of Southeast Sulawesi to improve students’ social skills and (2) utility, feasibility, and accuracy in the model of Lulo dance of Southeast Sulawesi to improve students’ social skills. This research applied the development research proposed by Borg & Gall. Small group testing was conducted to 12 students. Data collection technique used in this research was interview and social skill scale. This research employed descriptive statistic and qualitative descriptive analysis. The results point out that (1) students were indicated to have low social skills, so school counselors need social guidance and counseling services so that the video-based model of Lulo dance of Southeast Sulawesi was developed to improve students’ social skills (2) the validation test with 3 (three) experts shows that utility, feasibility, and accuracy in the model of Lulo dance of Southeast Sulawesi based on video were suitable to improve students’ social skills. The observation result from the limited group explained that the model of Lulo dance of Southeast Sulawesi could be accepted well by the students.



Video; School Counselors’ Services; Traditional Dance; Lulo Dance; Social Skills

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