Socialization of the Importance of Character Education Through Poster Media at SMA Negeri 4 Luwu as a Form of Community Service for Students of the XXI KKN PPL

Muh. Ridwan Umar(1*),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


In today's modern era, not a few children, especially those in the teenage phase, experience a moral and moral crisis, this is also very much felt at SMAN 4 Luwu, it is not uncommon for students to violate the norms that apply in society and in the school environment. because of the lack of application of character education that is instilled in the family environment, given that the family is the first place a child gets a lesson. Therefore, the students of KKN-PPL UNM held a socialization on the importance of character education through visual media, namely posters. This poster contains sentences about the importance of character education. The impact after this poster was put in addition to beautifying the school environment, students and also teachers who were always passing by briefly to read the sentence "the invitation and motivation in the poster, so the expectation after reading the poster can make us realize that character education is important. which must be instilled from an early age.


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