Gerakan Olahraga Sehat di Desa Sengengpalie

fitria fitria(1*), Sri Cici Fitriani Firman(2), Muspitatul Khusnah(3), Monika Mei Rizki Sari(4), Musfirah Hayati(5),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


Sports are physical activities that improve the quality of health. However, awareness of exercising is still relatively low even though the benefits of exercise are well known. To increase people's interest in sports, we hold volleyball events specifically for men as one of our work programs. In this activity, we collaborated with students of Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar (UINAM). This activity was attended by 14 teams from 9 villages in Lappariaja. This activity lasts for one week starting from November 19 to November 25 with 2 match sessions per day. The match went well while adhering to health protocols.

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